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The greatest quest of all is to find one's dream. To be accepted. Wanted. To learn that you can provide something that makes a difference to others. To believe that your dream has common value. And in the end—to know in your heart that all the blood, sweat and tears were worth the journey taken to get there.

LIFE'S REEL™ is about journeys, some just beginning and others—well on their way. It is each of these journeys that ultimately makes up who we are as people, in life and in business. Your journey becomes your brand, and it is not won by chance. It is won with hard work and unyielding determination to build trust. It starts with a purpose and becomes your story and if spoke from the heart—it becomes your customer's soul brand. This is your journey and your legacy to leave.

Our job is to find the heart of your story and to build within it the emotional connection that sets it free. To provide others with a way to connect to it and to share it. And ultimately—to believe it to life. Part social media, part brand-building and all passion. Today, as our world evolves further and further into the digital space, we face one certain reality, the heart and soul of a business must shine through.

If our job is done right, your customers will feel an emotional bond. In terms of social media, they will feel moved to share. Your dream turns into their hope—the soul of a brand to pass on. Your LIFE'S REEL. Join us—let's work together to bring the dream to life.



Michael has a pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit that crosses over into his adventures as a Director, Producer and Videographer. A career that spans over 30 years working with national broadcast networks, local tv stations and national television programs. Michael has a strong background in reality television, live sports broadcasts, documentary and TV commercial production and has developed a proven track record of success with his improvising and quick thinking.  Michael also donates time and energy to many local and regional causes by volunteering as a board member and helping raise funds. Michael is married, has one son and four wonderful grandchildren that help keep him young and vibrant.

STEVE PYLE, VP Marketing/Creative Director

Steve has served as a highly successful marketing and business development professional for the past 22 years. His experience ranges from leading branding and strategic growth programs for new venture startups to developing marketing strategies for nationally recognized corporations. He enjoys the diversity of work and challenges that come from developing marketing programs "tailor fit" for the unique personalities of each business. Steve also serves on the board of a community agency that provides training, job placement and support to individuals with disabilities.

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